by Andrew Contiguglia | Sep 8, 2021 | Business
Have you set up your business in such a way that you can be sure to avoid legal trouble? Sometimes small businesses avoid hiring a lawyer because they believe it to be too expensive. But preventing legal disputes from happening at all can be invaluable. If you’re a...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Aug 25, 2021 | Contracts, Recommended Blogs
Are you worried that you might have a breach in contract on your hands? Unfortunately, even the most scrupulous of business owners can sometimes face problems when it comes to contracts. Here’s a discussion of what constitutes a breach in contract, as well as some...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Aug 11, 2021 | Business
If you’ve been put in a position where your business partner is suing you, and you’re not sure what to do, you’re probably feeling many different emotions. No matter how much time and care you, and a partner put into a business, there is always the possibility of bad...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Jul 28, 2021 | Business
Are you thinking about hiring a business lawyer for passing on the family business? A 2021 PwC family business survey found that although 96% of family-owned U.S. businesses expect growth in 2022, only 34% have a “robust, documented and communicated succession plan in...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Jul 14, 2021 | Business
Have you ever considered hiring a business lawyer? Busy entrepreneurs often have a ton on their plate, and if you’re a new business owner, you probably feel like your days never end. This is why having a reliable, experienced support team that includes legal and...