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Here you will find several of our business-related blog articles to get help get you thinking along the lines of best business practices.
Evaluating Your Business Insurance Needs
Business insurance is not just a safety net; it’s a strategic investment that safeguards your company’s financial well-being and ensures longevity. Whether you’re a small startup or a well-established corporation, understanding your insurance needs is paramount. Let’s...
Contract Law Basics for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
Contracts are an integral part of any business relationship. For those of us who are entrepreneurs and business owners, they are what define the deal. Unfortunately, even the most conscientious of business owners can sometimes face problems regarding contracts. Before...
Choosing a location for your business
Among the many important decisions you'll make as a business owner, choosing a location for your business is a crucial choice that will significantly impact its success. Depending on the state, county, or city you choose to operate in, the startup requirements and...
Choosing a Business Name: Legal Considerations
Choosing a business name is a challenging but essential task for a business owner. After all, the name of your company not only affects how consumers view your brand but may even have legal repercussions linked to trademark and copyright issues. Choosing a Business...
Acquiring and Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights are an asset of your business, no different than the cash you have in the bank or the equipment you use to run it. As such, business owners must safeguard their IP rights and understand IP law to stop anyone from stealing or copying their...
Contractors vs. Employees: Pros and Cons
It doesn’t matter whether you consider the individuals you employ employees or independent contractors. Ultimately, the IRS or the Department of Labor will decide how your workers should be categorized. The truth is you don’t get much say in contractors vs. employees....
Financing a Business: Your Options and Their Legal Considerations
Starting a business is an exciting and rewarding venture. But it also requires careful planning and securing to get the necessary funding to get off the ground. There are many options to consider when it comes to financing a business, including equity financing, debt...
Comingling Funds: The Dangers & Difficulties
As Denver business lawyers, we routinely deal with entrepreneurs who combine their personal and corporate finances in what's known as comingling funds. Unfortunately, this can have dire repercussions for the owner and the company. For starters, it may also lead to...
How to Have a Healthy Board of Directors
Could your board of directors use a refresher on their roles and responsibilities? Boards of directors are essential to the success of any organization, as they are responsible for creating and implementing strategies that move the company forward. A board’s work...