Denver Business Lawyers
Business Law ♦ Corporate Law ♦ Complex Litigation
Business Risk Management ♦ Personal Injury ♦ Insurance Recovery
Change is here, and it’s time to adapt!
You’re growing and building your business. You have a vision for the future and want to know what legal hurdles you might encounter so you can take care of them before they grow out of control.
This is where we come in. We strive for success and revel in the journey, just like you.
As your Denver-based business lawyers, we are flexible and can quickly adjust to your changing and unexpected circumstances that typically upset or intimidate others. Our calm and strategic response to the constantly changing business landscape during stressful situations reassures, and empowers you with a framework to respond and take smart actions so that you can protect yourself, your customers, and your business future.
-Andrew J. Contiguglia
Your business is too valuable not to be protected. That’s why you need an experienced legal partner to build safeguards around your valuable property and to avoid potential dangers before they happen.
Corporate Law
Corporate law governs the formation and operation of business organizations, encompassing the rights of owners, operators, and management. It protects the company’s assets, extends its life, defines ownership and management roles, creates financial accountability, and establishes transferability. Corporate law is not just common law–it’s often based on state or federal law, addressing such things as the validity of shares of stock and the fiduciary duties of directors.
Complex Litigation
Complex litigation refers to a difficult kind of civil case involving big stakes, numerous documents, experts, and witnesses. Complex litigation refers to a difficult kind of civil case involving big stakes, numerous documents, experts, and witnesses. Complex litigation generally focuses on tort or contract disputes with large sums involved, including securities fraud, personal injury lawsuits, and insurance claims. If you were to hire an attorney for such a case, that attorney would need to be highly skilled in the law and able to devote considerable time and resources toward the case. That’s where we come in!
The outside general counsel is one of the most important people in a business. A general counsel is a lawyer who oversees legal issues and advises the CEO and board to make sure the business stays in compliance with laws and regulations while dealing with legal matters arising from the company’s operations. We’re a team of lawyers helping startups, entrepreneurs, and established businesses prosper with smart legal solutions — the corporate law firm you wish you always had.
Buying and selling a business consolidates and aligns your business interests, creates business opportunities, and helps you grow your existing business. It is a major business decision. We understand your business needs so you can make an informed decision on the best strategy for your business by helping you understand your options and how each one aligns with your business goals. When we help our clients buy and sell businesses, we put our clients’ needs first and help them strategize how to grow their business in its current market or take advantage of an opportunity in another one.
Your business success depends on you avoiding unnecessary and costly risks. Your confidential consultation is the first step to identifying, prioritizing and addressing business risks to minimize the fallout from unexpected incidents and keep you compliant with local law. With our guidance, you will develop an integrated risk management plan to aid your business in building a sustainable, profitable business strategy.
If you have been injured as a result of the negligence of a driver, they may be held liable. With the proper legal guidance, an effective personal injury claim can offset the damages you have suffered by providing compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
From Our Clients

Do you reccommend or endorse products?
This guide, based off the United States Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Endorsment Guide, helps outline how advertisers and endorsers can stay on the right side of the law.

Andrew J. Contiguglia
Business / Risk Management Attorney
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Implementing Effective Risk Assessment Frameworks
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How a Strong Legal Foundation Can Enhance Your Brand Story
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Why Every Business Needs a Critical Response Team (CRT)
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