by Andrew Contiguglia | Aug 11, 2021 | Business
If you’ve been put in a position where your business partner is suing you, and you’re not sure what to do, you’re probably feeling many different emotions. No matter how much time and care you, and a partner put into a business, there is always the possibility of bad...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Jul 28, 2021 | Business
Are you thinking about hiring a business lawyer for passing on the family business? A 2021 PwC family business survey found that although 96% of family-owned U.S. businesses expect growth in 2022, only 34% have a “robust, documented and communicated succession plan in...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Jul 14, 2021 | Business
Have you ever considered hiring a business lawyer? Busy entrepreneurs often have a ton on their plate, and if you’re a new business owner, you probably feel like your days never end. This is why having a reliable, experienced support team that includes legal and...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Jun 23, 2021 | Business, Internet Law
Do you work with online influencers, or are you one? Online influencers who neglect the law can be censored, fined, or even banned from social channels if they don’t follow the rules. Agencies supporting online influencers, their staff, and even brands can be held...
by Andrew Contiguglia | May 26, 2021 | Business
If you’re just at the beginning phase of opening a new startup, congratulations! You’re going through an exciting and challenging time. All new business owners will make mistakes from time to time. But having your business set up properly at the outset will help you...
by Andrew Contiguglia | Apr 28, 2021 | Business, Contracts
Do you have a shareholder buyout agreement for your business? Consider this scenario: You start a corporation with 4 partners, and each person has an equal share. One partner is pushing to be bought a year later; only there is nothing set in stone about how much to...