
Do you know the difference between corporate law and business law?

Many people use the two terms interchangeably – but they are very different. And although both corporate law and business law are very different, many law firms handle both types of cases. The kind of lawyer you need for your legal issue depends entirely on the matter at hand. 

So, what’s the difference between the two types of law, and what kind of lawyer do you need for your legal matters?

If you own a business, have a family business, are starting a business, or are experiencing legal problems related to your business, it may be time to speak to a business law attorney who can address your needs.

The experienced business lawyers at The Contiguglia Law Firm are well-versed in corporate law. We can help you with any of your corporate law needs, whether big or small. 

If you’re unsure of the type of legal services you need, we’re here to help. Here’s everything you need to know about the differences between corporate law and business law.


The Differences Between Corporate Law and Business Law


Corporate law typically refers to how businesses are managed and administered, while business law, on the other hand, deals with regulations associated with running a business. These laws include tax law, employment law, and more. Business law focuses more on third parties related to a business. These third parties can include customers, employees, manufacturers, and more.

So, what is corporate law, exactly? And how can the team at Contiguglia Law Firm help solve your corporate legal issues?

Corporate law deals with corporate entities, including management duties, regulations, and laws associated with owning and operating a business. It also deals with the division of profits, contractual agreements, investor contracts, and distribution of assets.

Most corporate lawyers work in a business setting. They may work directly in-house for a company or as general counsel to ensure the organization makes sound business decisions that comply with laws and regulations. They often write contracts and perform due diligence and other tasks to ensure companies avoid lawsuits and litigation.


What About Business Law?


Business law deals with broader issues related to business, including employment law, taxes, and contracts. Business lawyers step in to help when it comes to terminating employees and dealing with licensing and other legal implications of running a business.

A corporate lawyer will generally be responsible for writing contracts, while a business lawyer will help a company interpret the contract.

A corporate lawyer addresses all aspects of creating and running a business, while business lawyers address how laws affect a business in many different business activities.


Need Help With a Corporate Law Issue?


At Contiguglia Law Firm, we help clients with all issues related to corporate law. Located in Denver, Colorado, and assisting people in the surrounding areas, we are here to help answer all your legal questions. Whether you own a small business, run a family business, are closing one, or are just starting one, our team is here to help.

We can provide you with customized solutions to all legal issues related to your business, including preparing contracts, buying or selling your business, negotiating contracts, and more. 

Your decisions today could impact you for years to come — with good or bad results. Hiring a legal expert can help ensure your business runs smoothly while also protecting you from disastrous errors. Need a lawyer for your family business? Call 303-780-7333 or schedule an appointment for a free consultation.


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